Sunday, July 27, 2008

believe me what i'm saying are no lies,
i really saw heaven when i look into your eyes.
and in your eyes i could see a star,
you're so near yet seem so far.
with that distance i just wanna hold you close,
but sometimes when i'm around you i started to froze.
how am i suppose to tell you how i feel?
cause its something deep and very real.
you're in my thoughts night and day,
always praying hard that you'll be here to stay.
if you're really the one for me,
PROMISE me that you'll stay here with me.
i seek answers from you GOD,
to show me if he's really worth my love or not.
but then it's still you turnout to be,
hoping that both of us are really meant to be.
it's always you that's in my mind,
and without you i know i wouldn't be fine.
if only i didnt get up and met you that time
i wouldnt have thoughts that you would ever be mine.
but i hope you could see that i'm right here,
praying and hoping that we would be together, FOREVER (:

Thursday, July 17, 2008

babyboy, i NEVER thought that i'd ever be where i am right now with you.
the past few GREAT months have been nothing, but pure bliss for me baby.
our love ride had been like a ferris wheel.
where i feel like im on top of the world when im together with you.
for all the shits ive given you, i take it all back.
cause you dont deserve it at all.
not from me, not from anyone else.
im ready to spent the upcoming months, the upcoming years with you.
but im more than ready, to go through, to spend with, to devote my life and forever with you.
really (:
it took me by complete surprise when i decided to fall in love with you.
cause you're not at all what i want.
I LOVE YOU pantat bachen !!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

i was told that good things comes to those who wait .
i was keep waiting..and waiting..and waiting.
until i met HIM !
i had never felt more than lucky to have him in my life .
he makes me feel like im finally worthy of something , worthy of someone .
and that is why , everytime i count my blessings ,
i would always count him twice.
he is just an ordinary guy , bringing way extra ordinary joys to my life .
and i didn't expect to fall for him .
but i did , and i feel deep , deeply in love with him .
he's the bestfriend i will ever have in my life .
he will share my thoughts , my laughters and my tears .
he's someone to live up to and follow to the end of the earth .
and if that all sound too sentimental , i can't help it .
cause that's just the way i feel about him .
i've thought about how long i'll love him .
i think it's only fair that he should know ,
that forever is as far as i would go ,
i'll always love him .
so byy here i am giving you a smile , with a future in it .

Monday, July 14, 2008

hey , this is my very first time blogging !
and yes thanks to fifi baby :)~
so basically people , this is a shared blog .
it's between me and my lovelovelovely babyboy .
so this is our blog , not yours .

well , nothing much to blog about today .
it just that im stuck at home not going to sch because of this 'segugut' thinggy .
haiiyyy ~~
poor bby , kene alek sendiri :(
den after tat , he gotta go to pasir ris chalet .
at first i didn't agree though , cos i dislike his friends .
it's not that i hate them and pandang rendah kat dorang cos dorang minum tuhh sume , it just that i dont want my bby boy to be like them .
ya'll know as a GF , i am worried and i care alot abt him .
but who the hell am i nk larang die kan ?
but nevermind , i trust him .
and will always be okae syg ?
aite , i will update again next time .
till here den , goodbye !

and to end this post , i just wanna say ,
my love for you keep growing each and everyday bby .
and it'll never stop growing .
and this i pinky swear .
and yes , till the end of time it is .
i love you bby !