Sunday, August 31, 2008

dear boyfriend,

i don't know where to start. and i know i have been repeating this alot of times and you must be sick and tired of it. you know i love you right from the start and i'd do so till eternity. but i simply can't refrain myself from thinking that i have been making your life miserable. and i so think it's true. you know i always shed pails of tears whenever we had a fight. but you fail to know the reason behind it. i cried because i failed to make you happy. i kept thinking that i was never the right one for you. but when you told me once that you ever cried too, it touched my heart. i never thought you would. you've been there for me when i needed you. i have no doubts that we have come this far. because i know i won't stop loving you. eventhough we fight alot, and yes i mean ALOT, we still managed to sort things out. i apologised if i ever make you mad and frustrated which i know it happened alot of times. i really appreciate the things you do for me. and your smile and funny faces, they make me melt. you're not hotstuff but you're simply adorable inside. i won't say it's like a dream come true, but it's more to fate. fate has brought us together and wants us to be together, still. i don't want to lose you. i love you. i hope you feel the same way too. till now, i never knew the reason why i have always been your"type of girl" when i think i'm so much of a troublemaker.


Saturday, August 30, 2008

what were my dreams are now reality
you say all the things im about to speak
no one can ever change the way i feel
baby it's you and me against the world
ride or die to the very end
if your tires pop i'll be your second stand
your my man and no doubt that i'm your girl
baby it's you and me against the world

people can hate on us if they choose
no matter what they do
it's gonna be me and you forever
the way you love me is unnatural
like i'm the only girl who is existing in your world
i can't picture my life without you
you been by my side the whole way through
the chances i'll find somebody almost like you
is a million to one
so the fabolous one

Thursday, August 28, 2008

I'm so proud to say that you are my first love. When we're together baby, know that you're the only one. When you came next to me and hold me closely, I know you love me. You make my story complete. I'm so happy that I got you here to hold me down. I'll never break your heart and go astray no way no how. Treasure from up above. Never betray your trust. Always thinking' 'bout us. Baby I'm forever in love, it feels so crazy when you wrap your arms around me. I place my ear against your chest to hear your heart beat. Take good care of me 'cause your the reason that I still believe our fairy tale has just begun. If I'm in a movie then don't nobody say cut. And if I could be dreaming then let me sleep forever. You're so lovely and sweet like honey. There ain't nothing' that can change the way these feelings boo.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

have not blogged for the past few days due to the shitty internet breakdown.
so yeah this is what has been happening lately.

went out with boyfriend.
watched "the journey to the centre of the earth" movie at THE CATHAY.
i soo love the movie, very funny.
den went to orchard go jalan-jalan.
den chilled out at RAFFLES PLACE, ate the left-over cheese fries that we bought at kfc at plaza singapura.

went out with boyfriend again
watched "the mummy" movie at cineleisure orchard.
den went back home.

okae that's about it ~~~~~~

had an unpleasant morning today. A part of me feels sad while the other part of me feels happy. I really can't describe how i feel today, thousands of feelings all wrapping me up. I'm frustrated. Okay, i'm not suffering from depression or whatsoever. just having mood swings these days and boyfriend's the victim. i'm sorry. Having to face more and more problems each day is just so sucky. Relationship problems, family problems, and err, studies? i guess this is typical for teens like me. but i am sooo not used to having so much problems at one time, and have no idea how to cope with them. i wish i could help boyfriend, but i can't. i'm a useless girlfriend. as for today, things are getting a little better between me and boyfriend but still i still feel like im standing on a strand of hair waiting to fall anytime. i could feel that our relationship's getting shaky nowadays but nothing is going to stop me from being with boyfriend. that's for sure. we chat, sort things out, clear every doubts we had and tried to forget what happened earlier on. that's just the best way, forgive and forget and i know that i've done that like a million times. Pfft.

i want to stop fighting with boyfriend
i want to have a peaceful love and relationship
i want the old him, the old us
because i love him very much

Thursday, August 7, 2008

i'm SORRY.
i AM sorry.
very much.
overrated as it sounds, i still very much am.
i've explained and told you why i reacted that way.
and again, i AM sorry syg..
you don't deserve that. AT ALL.
not from me, not from ANYONE.
truth is, you DO matter to me.
and yes, i DO care.
but just not enough i guess.

im crying so bad and so hard, still.
i didnt and i cant sleep the whole night.
i know i cant and shouldnt cause the only one who can do all that is himself.
and fuck, i never thought i'd breakdown this hard.
it hurts real bad. ssssssoooooooooooo bad.
but yeah, it just suddenly made me all the more realise that i want him.
I LOVE YOU khairul rasul .
you know i do.

and jyeah, today is our 1YEAR AND 3MONTH.
so baby, happy 1year and 3month anni syg.
ive told you this, and i'll say this again.
A.L.W.A.Y.S ((:

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

im sorry baby, i messed up. again. and again. and again.
i dont know what's gotten into me.
but i know im thankful cause you've been very patient with me, having to deal with my "the size of a man's ego".
i know that i have to stop this attitude and try to make things work better.
cause i know, that everyone has a certain limit to the amount of bullshits they can handle.
you're only human, and you do too.
i dont wanna repeat it till you decided that you've had enough.
i dont wanna miss something thats worth living for.
i love you KHAIRUL RASUL.
always have and always will.

When you said that we could make it through whatever .
And to me it sounded like you meant forever .
Leaving was not MY option, baby, never .

i know you love me.
but truth is,
i love you more okae syg !

so, still love me baby ?

Monday, August 4, 2008

now that babyboy's safely back in singapore,
i cant wait to spent the rest of my weekends with you baby!
i never thought that i could ever miss someone that much.
but then again, i still cant believe i can ever love anyone this much too.
but i did.
and i do.
and i will.
baby, the world will throw us a million reasons why these beautiful we have together wouldnt work.
but i'll just have to give you one reason why it would... cause...

i was excited, happy, nervous and all other upon meeting babylove at admiralty control station yesterday. And i think you'd lost weight dear.*giggles*
and seriously, ituh hari die balek, ituh hari jugak kte jumpe !! haha. serious or whatt?? rindu nye psl lah kan . hehe :)
so we exchange the whole lots of stories abt whats been going on and all. And im soo glad that he had a great time at KL. atleast its worth his 3 days kan? hehs. So then we headed to plaza singapura for our dinner. gurau sini gurau sane, smpi time pon tk take note. Den after our dinner, we proceed to the esplanade. we reached there around 9+ gituh. haha. mcm besok nye tak sekolah gituh eh. hahaha. just lepak2-ing jek kat esplanade. den me and babylove had a little misunderstanding during our journey back home. but now, back as per normal again. i love you lah syg. :)
when i reached khatib mrt station, mom call. ask me nk gy makan ke tak. den i said why not, since nobody's at home. but my babylove didn't tagged along. cos due to some reasons. hehs .
okae ituh jek yg happen during my sunday public holidY ! mls nk berbual panjang2. Gd nite everyone.And tata for now, i have to get my sleep already.

baby, i just thought you should know that WHATEVER we go through, be it some petty squabbles or fights, i can assure you.
that nothing, and i mean NOTHING in this world is gonna change abt how i feel towards you.
we've been through more than just everything, and we've won alot more (:
i dont wanna be missing something greater than i could have ever imagined , something which could change my life, maybe forever.
i know we see each other everyday, but i still see the need and i WANT to type all these sweet nothings to you,
cause i want the whole world to know, how much you mean to me, how very much im in love with you (:
and baby, ive said this, and i'll proudly say this again,
that the world is gonna throw us a million reasons why this beautiful thing we have will never work btwn us.
but i just need to give you one reason, just one reason, on why it will.
simply because..

Sunday, August 3, 2008

sometimes i just feel like i don't deserve a man like Khairul Rasul Bin Hamidi.
but alot of times, i feel like he's the one who doesn't deserve a girl like me.
cause a G.R.E.A.T guy like him deserves a whole lot more.
he deserves every great things in this world.
and i'm not sure, if i can be that "everything".
but i want to be.
i hope. i wish. i pray.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

As I was looking back at all my photos, I realised that im missing a lot of things, but most importantly, im missing A LOT of people.
people from my primary school, to secondary school and alot more. i MISS THEM terribly.

to fathanah, sorry if i have to cancel few outings with you. please understand me. i know i had cancelled few but will make up another time okae, i mean when i realllllyyy free alright? *peace*

but no matter how much im missing these people above, nothing and i mean NOTHING, can beat my misses for this man here :'(

im very much in love with this man above. without realising, our relationship is gonna be 1 year and 3 mth.
happy anniversary babyboy. and i hope, i wish, i pray that there'll be many more blissful months and years to come, insyallah.

come home soon okae baby, i miss you like hell!! hahahahaha.
i love you my baby ALIEN!!