Thursday, March 19, 2009

What does it means if...

A girlfriend asked her boyfriend if he wanted to meet her or not, but he answered "dont know".
A girlfriend called her boyfriend numerous times but he never answer or return her calls.
A girlfriend texted her boyfriend that she misses him and such but he didn't reply.
A boyfriend never(not even try) console his girlfriend when she's crying.
A boyfriend keeps quiet when his girlfriend pointed out his mistake.
A boyfriend never meet his girlfriend for weeks.

Now tell me.

Friday, March 13, 2009

In life, i've learnt that,
A man shows his character by what he laughs at.
I've learnt that,
you should not look for applause until you have cause.
I've learnt that,
he who praises little things is worth of great ones.
I've learnt that,
if someones says something unkind about me, i must live so that noone will believe it.
I've learnt that,
even when i have pains, i dont have to be pain.
I've learnt that,
I cant change the past, but i can let it go.
i've learn that,
people will treat me the way i allow them to treat me.
I've learnt that when someone hurts my feelings,
its unimportant unless i persist in remembering it.
I've learnt that,
if i cant forgive and forget, i can atleast forgive and move on.
I've learnt that,
its okae to be contened with what i have, but never with what i am.
I've learnt that,
plotting revenge only allows people who hurt me, to hurt me longer.
I've learnt that,
a guy who has nothing, will fall for anything.
I've learnt that,
good or bad, most things dont last very long.
I've learnt that,
God wont give me things that i cant handle.
I've learnt that,
sometimes when im angry, i have the right to be angry.
But that doesn't give me the right to be cruel to people.
I've learnt that,
i cant choose what i feel. but i can choose what i do about it.
I've learnt that,
life is tough, but im tougher.
I've learnt that,
just because two people argue, doesn't mean that they dont love each other.
And just because they dont argue, doesn't mean that they do.
I've learnt that,
i still have alot to learn

It's late and i'm still wide awake. It's really frustrating to be thinking of so many things that i shouldn't be thinking about. And it's much more aggravating to even have to seek help for such matters. Things don't usually turn out the way we want it to be. But now every little things that i dread most is happening right in front of my eyes. I've already said, i am not used to this.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

These few days have been really sothemendakgilababi! And dad has been getting on my nerves that its making me breakdown over the small little things. Im crying cause i feel so guilty for hating him. But he make me hate him. But you know what, at the end of the day HE is my dad.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

i've been having my moodswings. A minute i'm laughing like onesex maniac and the other minute i'm showing people a black face of mine. Bestfriend tegur me and idk what to say. I just don't know what's up on my mind. I'm fucking pissed off by the people around me. I was nearly late for school today. And yes, i took big steps to walk to the bus stop and lucky me, the bus arrived just in time. School was more extreme. I ate alot. I'm lazy to elaborate what happen during shcool hours. But i know that i was angry with my guyfriends after school.